"Life is a circle of happiness, Hard times and good times, If you are going through a hard time, know that good times are on the way. No matter how bad it gets, the sun will always come out."
"I'm so bored. Life is boring. I don't know what to do with my life. I want to do something, but I don't know what I should do. Help." Refugee life is boring especially for children who miss their parents. Our phone and the virtual world is the only way we can escape our reality.
"This is our daily scenery. Every refugee knows this road. We walk through this road every day, from our shelter to Roshan Learning Center to study. We will always remember this road. We will always cherish this journey."
"Life has a lot of colors. Blue is the color of freedom. Red is the color of love. Black is the color of sadness. When you put all the colors together, life is meaningful."
“Being refugees do not make them different human being They are passionate, fantastic, and smart. Just like you. They work hard for their future. Their future is also your future. Our future. You can see by this picture. All we need is to look after each other.”
"The most important thing is to enjoy your life and to be happy. It’s all that matters." The story behind the picture: "I have baked bread since I came to Indonesia. It was the fourth time that I made a really good and soft bread when Mr. Assad (one of the managers at Roshan) told me to take some pictures. I decided to take a picture of this bread that I made personally which also my favorite food (Borani: traditional Afghan food). Add lemon to make the food a little bit sour."