Advanced Photography Class with Chris Bunjamin

/ / Journey

Art for Refuge (AFR) has started an advanced Photography Class taught by Chris Bunjamin. In this class, the students from the previous basic class are learning new things about photography, creative-thinking, and concept development to create a piece of photograph. Chris allows his students to come up with their own ideas for the photograph. He wants his students to be able to think out of the box and take a great shot with the technical things he taught before.

From the previous photography class, the students learned the techniques of photography and lighting. Their photography works were shown in AFR exhibition called “Berdiam/Bertandang” from 21- 28 September 2018 at The National Gallery of Indonesia. “Berdiam/Bertandang” challenged the public’s view towards the controversies surrounding refugees. Here, all were eventually invited to look at refugees in a new light, and not just through statistics and numbers as to how they are often portrayed in the media.

For this term, AFR already held four classes at Chris Bunjamin’s Studio. Chris always encourages his students to make a perfect shot from something that they don’t usually see everyday, and capture it with their cameras. He also tells them to get out of their comfort zone and socialize more to capture the perfect natural moment for their photos.

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