Ansel’s Volunteering Experience
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
My name is Ansel and I am a university student from Perth, Western Australia. I have been studying at UWA and had the privilege of coming to Jakarta, Indonesia as part of the Project Winter Program 2020 with AIESEC at Universitas Indonesia. Through the program, I had the opportunity to volunteer alongside Art for Refuge
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An Interview with Katrina Wardhana (Founder of Art for Refuge) Compassion Above All
Thursday, 30 April 2020
“What’s challenging is not about becoming a woman who leads, but more about becoming a youth that is able to lead” That was the answer that I received from Katrina, during our virtual interview when I asked her about the challenges and obstacles she’s been facing as a woman-leader. Being a leader at the age
- Published in News, News Coverage In English
Kisah Para Pengungsi di Tanah Jakarta, Berkarya Bebaskan Rasa Pilu
Friday, 21 February 2020
Sejak 2019, sebanyak 7.102 refugee atau pengungsi tercatat sudah berada di Jakarta. Sebanyak 35 persen di antaranya merupakan pengungsi dari Afganistan. Selanjutnya disusul pengungsi dari Somalia sebanyak 11 persen. Tentu bukan tanpa alasan mereka meninggalkan sebagian besar hidup, rumah yang ia miliki dan keluarga. Sayangnya, kendati merasa keselamatannya terancam, pengungsi malah tidak dapat dilindungi oleh negara asalnya
- Published in News, News Coverage In Bahasa Indonesia
Dialogue on Displacement: Refugee-Resident Partnerships
Sunday, 02 February 2020
On Friday – Sunday, 31st January – 2nd February 2020, Cecemuwe Café and Space with Art for Refuge, Atma Jaya’s Silver Program, Sisterhood Community Center, Roshan Learning Center, and Al Diaa Learning Center held an event titled Dialogue on Displacement: Refugee – Resident Partnerships. For refugees of all ages, one of the main issues in
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Away from the parents
Thursday, 22 February 2018
Living in a shelter without the parents is not easy. Hafiz, a 16-year-old boy from Afghanistan, shares his story with us. It has been two years he lives in Indonesia as a refugee since he fled from his home. It has also been two years since the last time he saw his family. Now, along
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